Date of Award

Spring 5-17-2018

Author's School

Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts

Author's Program


Degree Name

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)




My research and art practice focus on the idea of power dynamics where the female is the passive object of the active male gaze. Through the influx of digital social media platforms, these power dynamics exist in many fluid forms which is what I believe to be the relationship between the masculine and the feminine- where the masculine is inevitably always alpha. In contemporary terms, this power dynamic exists and penetrates our daily consumption of visual culture. From the art world to the fashion industry and beyond- all are feeding into consumerism and capitalism. People have become brands, or as some may call, celebrities, with the invention of the smartphone and social media. On one hand, these technologies have a seemingly positive impact on our world, but at what cost? Have things gotten out of hand? What is next? I explore these questions and more predominantly through installation and video work.

Mentor/Primary Advisor

Lisa Bulawski
