Theses/Dissertations from 2010
FCS Analysis of Pore Formation by the Human Protein Bax in Lipid Membranes, Olena Ivashyna
Hermann Hesse as Ambivalent Modernist, Theodore Jackson
Envisioning Morality in Times of Dynastic Change, Huan Jin
The Function of Hedgehog Signaling in Embryonic and Postnatal Bone Development, Kyu Sang Joeng
Mechanism of yeast prion portein aggregation and strain formation, Tejas Baba Kalastavadi
Visitors, Joanna I. Kaminski
Essays on Macro-Finance Asset Pricing Models and Estimation, Kyu Ho Kang
Catabolite Sensing Regulatory Pathways in Group A Streptococcus Control Virulence and Host-Pathogen Interactions, Colin Christopher Kietzman
The role of the novel Drosophila gene Ema for endosomal maturation and autophagy, Sungsu Kim
Illusions of Armor: The Haptic Body in Ernst Junger's Early Works, Julia Kleinheider
Novel Algorithms for Structural Alignment of Non-coding RNAs, Diana Kolbe
Pattern formation and magnetism in pulsed laser-induced self-organized nanostructures from single and bilayer metallic films, Hare Krishna
Transcriptional Regulation of Neuronal Differentiation in the Drosophila Central Nervous System, Haluk Lacin
Thomas Hoccleve and the Poetics of Reading, Elon Lang
Cultural Anxieties and Institutional Regulation: "Specialized" Mental Healthcare and "Immigrant Suffering" in Paris, France, Stéphanie Larchanché
The Role of TCR Specificity in the Regulation of the Immune Response to Self and Commensal Antigens, Stephanie Lathrop
Phylogenetic Illumination of Escherichia coli by Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Interrogation, Shana Leopold
Remote Sensing and Terramechanics Study of Mars using Orbital and Rover Data Sets, Kimberly Lichtenberg
Three Essays on Retail Management, Jia Li
Role of Sua5 in tRNA modification and translational regulation, Changyi Adeline Lin
On Bayesian Regression Regularization Methods, Qing Li
LRP6 in Wnt Signaling and Breast Cancer Tumorigenesis, Chia-Chen Liu
Enhancing Nonlinear Ultrasonic Methods for Laboratory and Clinical Applications, Christopher Lloyd
Blue Notes from Three Songs: Malleable Artifacts as Related to Evolving Cultural Identity, Lou Lucas
Synthesis, Structure and Spectroscopy of Heteropentadienyl-Cobalt Complexes, Bryn Lutes
Mechanisms of Copper Deficiency in the Zebrafish Embryo, Erik Madsen
Characterization Of Streptolysin O As The Translocator For The Cytolysin-Mediated Translocation Process In Streptococcus Pyogenes, N'Goundo Magassa
Functional Genomic Examinations Of Interactions Between Common Members Of The Human Gut Microbiota, Michael Mahowald
The Politics of Constitutional Review: Evidence from the European Court of Justice, Michael Malecki
Unique Features of PTB RRMs: Insight into Protein Motions and RNA Binding, Caroline Maynard
The Role of MDA5 and TLR3 in Response to dsRNA and Viral Infection, Stephen McCartney
Give me your Engineers, your Ph.D.s, yearning to fund my Welfare State. Fiscal Crises and High-skilled immigration Policies, Mariana Medina Garciadiego
The Role of Actin Depolymerizing Factor in Regulating Actin Dynamics in Toxoplasma gondii, Simren Mehta
Selbstpraktik und Raumpraxis, Sebastian Meixner
Advances in Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy with Applications to Studies of Macromolecular Interactions and Folding of RNA Hairpins, Artem Victorovich Melnykov
The Impact Of Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 On The Immune Response To Herpes Simplex Virus Type I Infection, Vineet Menachery
Nutrtional Genetics during Zebrafish Development, Bryce Abram Mendelsohn
An Investigation Of The Cognitive And Perceptual Mechanisms Involved In Mania-Proneness, Kimberly Mercer
Small Nucleolar RNAs U32a, U33, and U35a Are Critical Mediators of Liptoxic and Oxidative Stress, Carlos Michel
Exploring Tissue Microstructure in Healthy and Diseased Lung Tissue, Michelle Milne
Assessing effects of symmetry on motif finding, lala Motlhabi
After: U.S. Literary Culture, 1989-Present, Katie Muth
Copper-64 Labeled Somatostatin Analogs as Imaging and Therapeutic Agents, Kim Ngoc Nguyen
OmpA of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Promotes Intracellular Pathogenesis, Resistance to Cathelicidin, and an IL-17/IL-23 Based Inflammatory Response Permissive for Persistent Infection, Tracy Felicia Nicholson
Herman Melville and the German Roman, Birgit Noll
Bodies of Parchment: Representing the Passion and Reading Manuscripts in Late Medieval England, Sarah Noonan