
Theses/Dissertations from 2014


Archipelago, Maura Rachel Pellettieri


Motivational Strategies, Conditional Welfare and Distributive Justice, Cristian Perez


The Role of Novel Gene UL79 Encoded by Human Cytomegalovirus in Viral Replication, Yi-Chieh Perng

Defining and Describing the Functional Network Organization of the Healthy Human Brain, with Observations on Development and Disease, Jonathan David Power


Characterization of a Novel NPC1I1061T Knock-in Mouse Model of Niemann-Pick Type C1 Disease, Maria A. Praggastis


High Valent Palladium Complexes and Their Role in C-C and C-X Bond Formation Chemistry., Fengrui Qu

Regulation of Nutrient Sensing and Utilization by Symbiotic Gut Bacteria, Varsha Raghavan


In Vivo Functions of Inhibitory Immunoreceptors During Viral Infection, Aaron Rapaport


N-Cadherin Regulation of Bone Anabolic Responses via PTH and Wnt/Beta-Catenin Signaling, Leila Denise Revollo

The Role of Prolactin Receptor Signaling in the Development of Mammary Adenocarcinoma, Charles Gerard Rickert


An Essential Role for Self-pMHC throughout the Life of a CD4 T Cell: Contributions in the Thymus and Periphery, Stephanie Rodriguez


When Life Happens: Theatres of HIV and Complexity in South Africa, Jessica S. Ruthven

Cultivating Their Own in Kenya: A Social History of Maragoli Farmers and Development, 1955-1978, Muey Ching Saeteurn


International Organizations as Information Providers: How Investors and Governments Utilize Optimistic IMF Forecasts, Abdulhadi Sahin


Effect of Reading and Discussing a Storybook about Alzheimer's Disease on Children and Parents, Erin Sakai

Development and Function of Classical Dendritic Cell Lineages, Ansuman T. Satpathy


Methods and Mechanisms of DNA Methylation in Development and Disease, Maximiliaan Schillebeeckx


Communication in Collective Choice Environments, Keith Evan Schnakenberg


Beyond the Stadhouder-King: Political Economy and Regulation in the Economic Development of England and the Dutch Republic in the 1690s, Steven Schrum


Polyol Synthesis of Silver Nanowires by Heterogeneous Nucleation and Mechanistic Aspects Influencing its Length and Diameter, Waynie M. Schuette

Cardiomyocyte-Specific Deficiency of Ketone Body Metabolism Promotes Accelerated Pathological Remodeling, Rebecca Schugar


Origin of Maternal Age Effect in Congenital Heart Disease Risk for Offspring, Claire Elaine Schulkey


Ihh Signaling and Muscle Forces are Required for Enthesis Development, Andrea Gitomer Schwartz


The Automatic and Controlled Influence of Environmental Cues During Recognition Judgments, Diana Selmeczy

Development of Optically-Pumped and Optically-Detected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field and Studies of GaAs Quantum Wells, Erika Lynn Sesti


Diabetes Mellitus and Limited Joint Mobility in the Upper Extremity, Kshamata Mukul Shah

Fronto-Parietal and Cingulo-Opercular Network Integrity and Global Cognition in Health and Schizophrenia, Julia May Sheffield


Discovery and Characterization of Novel Polyomaviruses in Humans, Erica Anne Siebrasse


Shape and Structure of Neutron-Rich from Cf-252 Fission Fragments, Jason Benjamin Snyder


Functional Roles of Nucleases in DNA Metabolism and Genome Stability, Justin Lee Sparks


Yeast Prion Variants as Models of the Phenotypic and Pathological Consequences of Amyloid Polymorphism, Kevin Stein

The Role of Nampt-Mediated NAD+ Biosynthesis in Hippocampal Neural Stem Cells and Excitatory Neurons, Liana Leigh Roberts Stein


The Burden of Western History: Kansas, Collective Memory, and the Reunification of the American Empire, 1854-1913, Matthew Gordon Stewart

Waldlektüren. Zur Figuration und Funktionalisierung des Waldes bei Ludwig Tieck und Adalbert Stifter, Florian Stocker


The Roles of miR-155 and miR-15/16 in Natural Killer Cell Function and Maturation, Ryan Patrick Sullivan


The Role of Sleep in Memory Consolidation with an Induced Sleep-Like State in Drosophila AND The Role of Alpha-synuclein in Fatty Acid Metabolism, Yasuko Suzuki


Ligand Manipulation and Reactivity Studies of Organometallic High Valent Palladium Complexes, Fengzhi Tang


Exploring Strange, New Worlds: Travellers and Foreigners in Medieval Iberian Literature, Lauren Taranu


Characterization of Fasting-Induced p21 Expression and Protection of Intestinal Stem Cells, Kelsey Lynn Tinkum

Robust Sex and Strain Discrimination in the Mouse Vomeronasal Organ and Accessory Olfactory Bulb, Illya Tolokh


Making Healthy Minds and Bodies in Syria and Lebanon, 1899 - 1961, Beverly A. Tsacoyianis

Repair of DNA Double-strand Breaks in G1-phase Cells, Anthony Thomas Tubbs


RBPjk-Independent, NICD-Dependent Signals in Rbpj-/- Hair Follicle Keratinocytes Cause a Milder Phenotype in RBPjcKO Animals, Mustafa Turkoz


Power to Appoint: A Model of Appointments to the United States Federal Judiciary, Alicia Bernice Uribe

The Role of Cytoskeletal Stability in Regulating Synapse Development and Axonal Regeneration through the DLK Pathway, Vera Valakh

Ebner's Ethical Creatures: Animals and Humanity in the Work of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Sarah Hillenbrand Varela


Studies of Structural and Chemical Ordering in Metallic Liquids and Glasses Using Electrostatic Levitation, Adam Vogt

Fantasy and Franchising: A Match Made in Heaven, Alina Volobuyeva


Effect of Retrieval Practice on Applied Knowledge: Evidence From A Professional Training Program, Jenna Voss


Thinking Geospatially: How Variable Relationships with Reaching Achievement Test Scores in the State of Missouri Vary*by Geospatial Location, Elizabeth Jane Wallington