Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Participatory Institutions of Forest Management in the Uttarakhand Hills of India: Processes of Emergence and Change, Richa Joshi
Moral Rhetoric in Party Campaigns, Jae-Hee Jung
Essays in Behavioral Finance, Ankit Kalda
Essays in Behavioral Finance, Ankit Kalda
Technologies of Speaking: Sound and Voice in Modern China, Ling Kang
Three Essays on Separation of Powers and Competitive Elections, Myunghoon Kang
Investigation of immunostimulatory commensal bacteria in health and immune mediated disorders, Sunaina Khandelwal
The Rise and Fall of the Fighters: Colonial Korean Exiles in China, Minseung Kim
Upon This Rock: American Evangelical Spirituality and Jesus Music, 1969-1976, Kathryn Kinney
Aging of the Reproductive System and of Germline Stem Cells in Caenorhabditis, Zuzana Kocsisova
Determining the Genetic Contributions of the Williams Syndrome Critical Region to Behavior Using Mouse Models and Human Genetics, Nathan David Kopp
Determining the Genetic Contributions of the Williams Syndrome Critical Region to Behavior Using Mouse Models and Human Genetics, Nathan David Kopp
Molecular Mechanisms Responsible for Functional Cortical Plasticity During Development and after Focal Ischemic Brain Injury, Andrew Wiggen Kraft
Commutators and Weak Factorization, Marie Jose Saad Kuffner
Network Poetics: Studies in Early Modern Literary Collaboration, John Ladd
Mesothelium-derived factors shape tissue resident macrophage, Chin-Wen Lai
The Degenerating Star Clock: Circadian Clock Regulation of Astrogliosis and Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease, Brian Vincent Lananna
Jewish Taste: Modern Art Collecting, Identity, and Antisemitism in Paris, 1870-1914, Mia Laufer
Visions of Democracy: Culture and Transition in Mexico and post-Soviet Eastern Europe, Dorotea Lechkova
A Molecular Logic of Sensory Coding Revealed by Optical Tagging of Physiologically-Defined Neuronal Types, Donghoon Lee
A Molecular Logic of Sensory Coding Revealed by Optical Tagging of Physiologically-Defined Neuronal Types, Donghoon Lee
Finding and Analyzing de novo Mutations in the Exomes of Parent-Offspring Trios of Spontaneous Chiari Malformation Type 1 Patients, Brian Leon Ricardo
The Role of IFRD1 in the Recruitment and Function of Reserve Stem Cells in Regeneration and Cancer, Mark Anthony Lewis
Glycan Precursor Transport in Cryptococcus neoformans, Lucy X. Li
Mi Casa de Espiritus, Daniella Linares
Essays on Marketing Strategy, Chang Liu
A Q-analogue and a Symmetric Function Analogue of a Result by Carlitz, Scoville and Vaughan, Yifei Li
Integrative Analysis to Investigate Complex Interaction in Alzheimer’s Disease, Zeran Li
Democratic Portraiture: Imagining Equal Selves in Melville, Whitman, and Douglass, Paulo Miller Loonin
Development of Novel Tumor-Targeted Compounds for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, Micah John Luderer
The Role of Natural Killer Cells in Atopic Dermatitis, Madison R. Mack
Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of Axon Regeneration, Marcus Mahar
Promoting Child Behavioral Health in Homeless Services: A Community-Based System Dynamics Approach, Katherine Marcal
The Hyper-Disciplining of Black Students: Psychological and Sociological Investigations into American Schools, Olivia Cordts Marcucci
Stranger in the Village, Ryan Marr
Elucidating Enhancer Function in Epidermal Development and Filaggrin Loss-of-Function Variants in African American Atopic Dermatitis, Mary Elizabeth Mathyer
Deciphering the Origins of Cell-Type Differentiation Using the Simple Multicellular Green Alga Volvox carteri, Gavriel Yonah Matt
Multi-Level Neural Dynamics under Visual Perturbations and Motor Learning, Zhengyu Ma
The Birthday Boy and Other Boys, Charles McCrory
Visual and Chemosensory Pathways Associated With Male Courtship Decisions in Drosophila melanogaster, Ross Mckinney
Visual and Chemosensory Pathways Associated With Male Courtship Decisions in Drosophila melanogaster, Ross Mckinney
Task-evoked Pupillary Response for Completely Intelligible Accented Speech, Drew McLaughlin
Devising a Scalable Synthesis to Probe the G-Protein Cell Receptor Signaling Pathway, Matthew Robert Medcalf
Adiabatic Dark Matter Density Cusps Around Supermassive Black Holes and Dark Matter Detection, Augusto Medeiros Da Rosa
A Contextual and Technological Study of Ancient Maya Greenstone Mosaic Masks, Juan Carlos Melendez
Medical Aid in Dying: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs of Licensed Psychologists, Christine Caroline Merz
Genomic Contributors to Individual Differences in Reward-Related Neural Activity, Lindsay Jane Michalski
Substrate reduction therapy for Krabbe disease and a new murine model for cell-autonomous expression of lysosomal hydrolases, Christina Ruth Mikulka
Spatio-temporal Principles of Infra-slow Brain Activity, Anish Mitra