Abstracts: College of Arts & Sciences
Assessing the Efficacy of Digital Gaming for Language Learning
Alicia Salvino
Department: Philosophy–Neuroscience–PsychologyDepartment: Philosophy–Neuroscience–Psychology
Investigating the Importance of the Metalloprotease Falcilysin in the Human Malaria Parasite, Plasmodium falciparum
Maria Schletzbaum
Department: Biology
Civilizing Combat: The American Laws of War in the Philippines, 1899-1902
Sonya Schoenberger
Department: History
De la garra del Diablo: Las mujeres migrantes hacia los Estados Unidos en el cine (2004-2013)
Ana Paula Shelley
Department: Romance Languages and Literatures
De la garra del Diablo: Women Migrating to the United States from Latin America in Film (2004-2013)
Ana Paula Shelley
Department: Romance Languages and Literatures
Anthropology of the First Puff: An Inquiry into the Beginnings, Cultures, and Contexts of Tobacco Use in Students at Washington University in St. Louis
Kristoffer T. Sladky
Department: Anthropology
The Changing Role of Plant-Soil Feedback Loops in Maintaining Coexistence in the Face of Drought
Amelia Snyder
Department: Biology
Interrogating Mechanisms of Aflatoxin-Associated Growth Impairment
Philip Sossenheimer
Department: Biology
The Discrete Dipole Approximation of Scattering from Granular Targets
Nathaniel Stein
Department: Earth and Planetary Sciences
Assessing Impacts of Arts Programming in Urban Settings for Marginalized Youth
Melanie Stern
Department: Urban Studies
Personality and Health: An Assessment of Healthy Neuroticism
Kelsey Stiles
Department: Psychology
Respiratory Virus Antagonism of Host BST-2 Antiviral Function
Alvin Su
Department: Biology
Changes in Cognitive Control and Pupil Size in the Peri-Hand Space
Kathryn A. Sullivan
Department: Philosophy–Neuroscience–PsychologyDepartment: Philosophy–Neuroscience–Psychology
Computing the Dispersion Relation of Periodic Quantum Graphs
Alan Talmage
Department: Mathematics
The Tea Party Movement: A Democratic Uprising or Manufactured Dissent?
Jolijt Tamanaha
Department: Political Science
Reconstructing a Classical Kithara
Joshua Trosch
Department: Classics
Visitor Effect on Captive White-Faced Saki Monkeys and Golden Lion Tamarins
Anna Villanyi
Department: Anthropology
Rural Credit Markets in China: Informal Loans and Information Asymmetry
Xiao Wang
Department: International and Area Studies
What Can Synthetic Biology Reveal about the Evolution of Organismality?
Libby Marguerite Ward
Department: Biology
Soil Legacy Effects of Invasive Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) on Native Community Composition
Caitlin Watanasiri
Department: Biology
The Life and Death of Great American Shopping Malls: A Critical Appraisal of America's Commercial Past, Present and Future
Keaton Wetzel
Department: Urban Studies
The Impact of Clothing Choice on Perceptions of Female Intelligence
Maxine K. Wright
Department: Philosophy–Neuroscience–PsychologyDepartment: Philosophy–Neuroscience–Psychology
Winning and Losing at the Olympic Games
Jamie Youngentob
Department: Urban Studies
Mapping Air Pollution with GIS
Doyeong Yu
Department: Mathematics
Counter-Regulation in Purchase Situations and Its Effect on Post-Behavior Happiness
Xueer Sherry Yu
Department: Psychology
As Blue as the C: Examining the Feature Overlap Model of Semantic Priming with Grapheme-to-Color Synesthesia
Miriam Zawardzki
Department: Philosophy–Neuroscience–PsychologyDepartment: Philosophy–Neuroscience–Psychology
Polynomial Automorphisms
Bowei Zhao
Department: Mathematics
Abstracts: Olin Business School
What if God Was One of Us? Assessing the Links between Religiosity and CEO Decision-Making
Matthew Ayanian, Mathias Gesser, Michael Lory, and Michael Postetter
Department: Business
Individual Differences in Three-Person Negotiations
Jonathan Finch, Alex Hinch, Batu Otkeren, and Michelle Zhu
Department: Business
Exploration of Donor Giving Patterns and Optimal Solicitation Strategies
Ryan Geczi, Matt Puzder, Ruicong Yan, and Alexander Zaiken
Department: Business
Abstracts: School of Engineering & Applied Science
Shape Optimization of an Axisymmetric Blunt Body in Hypersonic Flow for Reducing Drag and Heat Transfer
Christopher Seager
Department: Mechanical Engineering
College of Arts and Sciences, Washington University Senior Honors Thesis Abstracts (WUSHTA), Spring 2015
Office of Undergraduate Research
Olin Business School, Washington University Senior Honors Thesis Abstracts (WUSHTA), Spring 2015
Office of Undergraduate Research
School of Engineering and Applied Science, Washington University Senior Honors Thesis Abstracts (WUSHTA), Spring 2015
Office of Undergraduate Research