Organized by students at the School of Architecture, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
March 29, 1974

Our purpose in organizing this symposium is to explore the many concerns of professional women in architecture--role conflicts, professional attitudes and design capabilities. We choose this format in order to bring men and women, students and professionals, together from all over the country to examine these issues.

This symposium is the first large scale attempt to begin this much-needed dialogue and we hope that it acts as a catalyst for further communication between all members of the profession.

Co-sponsored by: Academic Committee, Assembly Series, Office of Campus Affairs, Orientation Committee, School of Architecture, School of Medicine, School of Social Work, Sociology Department, South Forty Co-ordinating Council, Student Affairs, Student Union, Women's Affairs

Note: The information about this symposium is from the 1974 program, a physical copy of which is held in by University Archives, Washington University in St. Louis.

Browse the contents of Women in Architecture Symposium 1974:

Women in Architecture: A Symposium