Author's School

College of Arts and Sciences

Author's Department

Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Additional Affiliations

Director, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of History; Associate Professor, Department of Education; Associate Professor, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program; Faculty with the Feminist Critical Analysis Seminar

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date


Originally Published In

Dzuback, Mary Ann. "Hutchins, Adler, and the University of Chicago: A Critical Juncture. American Journal of Education vol. 99, no. 1 (Nov., 1990), 57-76,


As dean of Yale University's Law School, Robert Hutchins stressed social science theory and research as central to the university's work. Within a few years, as president of the University of Chicago, he abandoned the social sciences for philosophy and the great books. Hutchins's conversion seems ironic because it took place at an institution renowned for the work of its faculty in social science theory and research. This article is an attempt to make sense of Hutchins's shift in thinking at a critical juncture in his life and in the university's history




Originally published in American Journal of Education vol. 99, no. 1,© 1990 The University of Chicago,

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