Summaries by Author A-I
Morphological and Genomic Characterizations of Redi, a Novel Mycobacterium Phage, Re-I Chin, Weina Dai, and Tiffany Lin
Mechanosensitive Channels Interact with Starch Metabolism to Control the Osmotic Sensitivity of Plastids in Arabidopsis thaliana, Cara E. Clure
Not So Beautiful: A Contextual Analysis of Martha Rosler’s Bringing the War Home: House Beautiful, Alexandra Collins
Urban Agriculture: Transforming Socioeconomic Status and Food Security Among Refugee Communities, Stephanie Co
Individual Difference in Autobiographical Memory: Illusions of Change or Stability, Ileana Culcea
The Holocaust in Brazilian Life: A Comparative Analysis of How It Is Perceived and Handled in America, Fernando Cutz
Sex, Lies, and Bunny-Luv: Baby-Cut Carrots and Modern Advertising, Madeleine G. Daepp
From Bombs to Sunflowers: The Denuclearization of Ukraine, Hana Damore
Differential Expression of 15-lipoxygenase Isozymes in COPD, Geoffrey Dang-Vu
Owning Ayahuasca: The Role of a Medicinal Plant in Colonial Bioprospecting and Contemporary Conservation, Elizabeth Dankenbring
The Intricacies of Expression: Islamic Feminism in Morocco, Tess deBlanc-Knowles
Astragalus bibullatus (Pyne’s Ground Plum) Restoration Project: A GIS-Based Habitat Suitability Study, Christine Diepenbrock
Correlation of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptomatology with Performance on Event Segmentation, Memory and Attention Tasks, Michelle Eisenberg
Effects of Observation: A Study of Captive Black-tailed Prairie Dog Behavior, Adam Eltorai
A Politics of Their Own. Barrios de Pie: A Case Study of Hybridity and Modern Youth Political Participation in San Martin, Argentina, Rachel England
A Feasibility Study of Renewable Energy Generation, Zeynep Esin
Mapping Mood in the Subthalamic Nucleus (STN), Victor Eukta
“One Man Acting Alone:” The Consolidation of the Empowered Executive in Foreign Affairs, 1945-1963, Ben Fifield
Holocaust Education in Israel: The Effects of Holocaust Commemoration and Education on Israeli Identity, Yael Friedman
“It Would Ruin St. Louis”: Public Reception, Carl Milles’ Meeting of the Waters and Richard Serra’s Twain, Lucy Gellman
The Opening and Closing of Space and Belonging: An Examination of Healthcare Access for the Latino Population in St. Louis, Wesley Gibbert
The Liberation of Color and Decorative Art at the Dawn of the 20th Century in France, Betty Gibson
The Role of Lysosomes in Cardiac Pathophysiology, David Giles