Summaries by Author S-Z
Bolivian Immigration and Argentina’s Garment Industry: The Role of Migrant Social Networks, Elizabeth Slater
The Role of VIP Neurons in Mouse Circadian Rhythms, Daniel Sun
HIV Treatment Modulates Global Resting Cerebral Blood Flow in HIV+ Subjects, Jewell Thomas
Pesticide Aldicarb Adsorption onto Soil during Water Reuse: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Study, Anca Timofte
Investigating Effects of Isoflurane on Tracer Binding, Iboro Umana
Prandtl Tip Correction Procedure for Application to Computed Lift, Jennifer Varriano
Protective Effects of Epidermal Growth Factor in Pneumonia-induced Sepsis, Paul Vithayathil
Activated Astrocytes Modulate Microglial Activation in APP/PS1 Mice, Yan Wang
The Past Is Present: Socio-Religious Continuity between the Pre- and Early Islamic Arabian Peninsula, Nicholas Wilbar
The Development of Specific Fears in 3- to 5-Year-Olds, Lynn Wilkie
Magnitude of T-wave Alternans on Post MI Holter Recordings as a Predictor of Cardiac Death in the ENRICHD Trial, Austin Wilmot
Regulation of Dopamine Release by the Endocannabinoid System in the Nucleus Accumbens Core, Maxim Wolfson
Comparative Analysis of the Wanderer Genes between the D. melanogaster and D. virilis Dot Chromosomes, Jeannette Wong
Identifying 1360-dependent hsp70-white Reporter Sites in the Drosophila melanogaster Genome, Hao Yang
Effect of Inhibition of Hedgehog Pathway on Bone Metastasis of Breast Cancer, Ceren Yelaz