Summaries by Author J-R
Edge Detection by Multi-Dimensional Wavelets, Katherine Maschmeyer
Alzheimer’s Disease: Generation of Amyloid-beta, Michelle Mo
Addition of N-acetyllactosamine Characterizes the Differential Glycosylation of the Urea Transporter UT-A1, Benjamin Nanes
Summaries by Author S-Z
Intraspecific Phylogenetics and Phylogeography of Leiocephalus schreiberseii from Hispaniola, Brice Sarver
Traffic Light Recognition and Classification for Autonomous Vehicles, Anne Schneider
Quantum Efficiency of VERITAS Photomultiplier Tubes and Optical Properties of Epitaxially Grown Semiconductor Samples, Aubrey Scott
The Effect of Relative Economic Growth on Ideologies in the United States, Daniel Silver
Haba na Haba and the Use of Drama for Community Education and Development, Reynolds Whalen