Summaries by Author J-R
Below Ground Enemies Have a Negative Impact on an Exotic Plant Species but Not on a Closely Related Native, Molly Kuhs
Development of Rabbit and Hamster mAbs against Tax Interacting Protein 1 (TIP-1), Ayush Kumar
Mechanical Characterization of Optic Glioma Development, Melinda Lai
Effects of Various Maternal Factors on Internalizing Symptoms in Preterm Children at Early School Age, Angela Lee
Assessing the Effect of VEGF Gradients on Angiogenesis in a Microfluidic Device, Andrew Lezia
Delineation of Activation Receptor Signaling in Natural Killer Cells, Andrea Lin
The Ethics of Statistical Illiteracy, Ted Little
Longitudinal Bioluminescence Imaging Reveals Advanced Glycation End-Products NFkB in Intervertebral Discs, Jennifer W. Liu
Understanding Race and Beauty in Bolivian Beauty Pageants, Annie Magovern
Solid-State NMR and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Aluminum Oxide Films, Michael Mazza
:) To (�_�) To :| The Evolution and Implications of Emoji Usage, Madison McManus
Understanding the Coordination Between Nutrient Availability and Cell Size in E. coli, Teran Mickens
Facilitators of Empowerment Lead in Sustainable Rural Development: A Case Study of Thanda, Emma Milford
Depressive Symptomology in Schizophrenia Correlated with Deficits in Anticipatory Pleasure, Jameson Mitchell
A Pure Concentration: Seamus Heaney and Ciaran Carson's Poetry of Conflict, Yaala Muller
Collages IV Mini-Promoters as a Treatment for Alport Syndrome, Bryan Naelitz
Much Ado About Commas: Fixing Transcriptions of Early Modern Plays, Kate Needham and Lydia Zoells
Computational and Literature Investigation of the Catalyzed Hydrogenation of CO2, Darrell Nelson
Mechanics of Morphogenesis: Hemisphere Division in the Embryonic Brain, Haley Nichols
From Pirates to Policy Makers in Lima: Disrupting Neoliberal Economic Rationality from the Bottom, Alex Novelli
Critical Role of Tissue Specific HLH-30 Promoters for Survival Under Stress, Clara Oh
Disruption of Photochemical CO2 Metabolism during Foliar Purification of Gaseous Formaldehyde in Epipremnum Aureum, Garrett Arosemena Ott
Cooperation in Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma, Tianzan Pang
Axonal Injury in White Matter after Secondary Hypoxemia in a TBI Model, Umang Parikh
Constructing and Exploring Recall Networks: What Graph Theory Can Tell Us about Narrative Recall, Hunter Patterson
Effect of Growth Factor on Motor Neuron Populations, Imani Paul
Semantic Auditory Search as a Speech-in-Noise Diagnostic Tool, Tommy Peng
Genetic Manipulation of Natural Killer Cells via a Lentivirus Delivery Mechanism, Vinay Penna
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Future, Katelyn Petrin
Scintillating Fibers and Dark Matter Detection, Annie Pitkin
Computational Imaging for Martian Hyperspectral Data from CRISM, Daniel Politte
Biosynthesis and Antimicrobial Characterization of Obafluorin, Neha Prasad
Genetic Engineering of Escherichia coli to Produce Branch-Chain Fatty Alcohols, James Qiao
Indicators of Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease, Sydney Rabin
Investigation of SMC5-SMC6 Recruitment to DNA Damage Sites in Stem Cells, Suyash Raj
The Untold Story of Meacham Park, Clark Randall
Effects of Electroreceptor Distribution and Social Behavior on Signal Localization of Weakly Electric Fishes, Da Yeon Danielle Ryoo
Factors That Influence Multicellularity in Dictyostelium discoideum, Erica Ryu
Summaries by Author S-Z
Impact of Prematurity on the Development of Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms in Very Preterm Infants, Nityasri Sankar
Collection Strategies for Biological Samples and Behavioral Data of Two Tamarin Species, Alexandra Schaening
Photoelectron Angular Distributions Generated from ab-initio MO Calculations, Sarabjeet Seehra
Expression and Purification of Plasmodium falciparum MAEBL, a Malaria Parasite Protein Critical for Erythrocyte Invasion, Abhishek Sethi
Tissue Engineering iPS-Derived Vascular Networks, Michael Shang
Brain Morphometry and the 'g' of Personality Pathology, Daniel Sheinbein
Depression in Preschool Children: Overview of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Yoga Shentu
Model Lignin Polymer Synthesis, Jeffrey Sheptin