Date of Award
Spring 5-15-2015
Author's School
Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts
Author's Department/Program
Art (Printmaking)
Degree Name
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
This statement explores the ways in which language and art making approach description of spiritual and largely ineffable experiences. Through the lens of Rudolf Otto’s discussion of the numinous, visual languages, including darkness, scale and silence, are explored as methods for expression of the spiritual. Throughout the exploration of material and process, an emphasis is placed on exploring a relationship between the transcendental and the everyday, between the physical and spiritual world. The making process is highlighted for its ability to create space and time to reflect on these questions. Printmaking as a translator of both object and image plays an important role in bridging leaps from personal studio practices to a shared experience of looking.
English (en)
Advisor/Committee Chair
Michael Byron
Advisor/Committee Chair's Department
Second Advisor
Heather Bennett
Second Advisor's Department
Recommended Citation
Dowty, Morgan, "Process as Practice : Expressions of the Numinous" (2015). Undergraduate Theses—Unrestricted. 36.
Included in
Art Practice Commons, Contemporary Art Commons, Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons