Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2015

Author's School

Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Art

Author's Department/Program

Art (Sculpture)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)


In my practice, I have significantly questioned the role of the arts in social change. I have explored various forms of social practice, especially political art,public art and community art. Social practice lives in-between the world of art and social action and can add an important voice to both. Still, social practice, (like all forms of art) is limited and cannot be the sole source of social change. It is by working with others already organizing for social change, but bringing in the unique skills and perspectives of an artist that social practice is most effective. In this thesis, I will be exploring the intentions, impacts and value of public, political and community art. I will look to artists working in each of these ways as examples to understand what makes social practice effective and valuable to larger social movements. Ultimately, I will use this discussion to identify the role of an artist contributing to social change, citing specifically artists’ ability to invite people into the process of imagining alternate possibilities.


English (en)
