
Our team aimed to compile a greenhouse gas inventory for the St. Louis region. Partnered with OneSTL, Ameren, and the USGBC, we determined that St. Louis has a goal to reduce emissions 50% by 2030 from 2005 levels, and become carbon neutral in 2050. After analyzing the Ameren’s Integrated Resource Plan and factors such as the cost and scope of emissions, we researched funding sources to improve energy efficiency and increase renewables in the region. Our top funding sources are the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). From the IRA, we found the following credits most effective:
1. Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction
2. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
3. IRA Extended Production Tax Credits
4. Clean Energy Production Tax Credits
5. Alternative Fuel Refueling Property Credit

From the BIL, we found the following programs most effective:
1. Civil Nuclear Credit Program
2. Energizing Rural Communities Prize
3. Energy Efficiency Rotating Loan Fund Capitalization
4. Industrial Research and Assessment Centers Act

Our next step was modeling emissions from now to 2050. Our emissions model has shown that for us to achieve the 2030 goal we must reduce electricity use by 20%, in order to achieve an EnergyStar rating of ES 75. Possible future steps for this project are updating the GHG emissions inventory for the region, implementing ICLEI modeling, and expanding our modeling for industrial buildings.

Publication Date

Spring 5-2023

Document Type

Course Project
