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Author's School

George Warren Brown School of Social Work



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From the Dean: Remember the Past. Imagine the Future. Celebrate Today.;

Perspectives: Temperature Rising: Health Care Reform is Back;

Bookshelf: From Incentives to Intuition: What Faculty and Staff are Reading.;

Perspectives with Melissa Jonson-Reid & Brett Drake: Changing the Role of Child Welfare; Perspectives: SEED for Oklahoma Kids.;

Interview: Q&A with Julian Le Grand;

Connecting Individual Health with Public Health: New interdisciplinary approaches are needed to solve today's health care challenges. The solution lies at the nexus of social work, public health, and medicine.;

The Green Dream: The social work profession has been slow to engage the issue of environmental justice, but a student-led initiative may spark new interest.;

Serving Soldiers: The needs of returning veterans have changed, which has opened opportunities for new collaborations between schools of social work and the Department of Veterans Affairs.;

Notebook: Research: Examining and identifying barriers to type 2 diabetes management among adolescents, key to reducing risk of complications; Notebook: Research: Study shows autism symptoms can improve into adulthood.; Notebook: Faculty News;

Notebook: Events;

Celebrate Our History

Included in

Social Work Commons
