Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Author's School

Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts

Author Department/Program

Graduate School of Art

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Visual Art

Degree Type



Through my research I have discovered there are many complexities that exist within the topic of intimacy. Of these complexities, I chose to explore the topics attachment and codependency in my final series. Attachment and codependency are deeply rooted in psychology, poetry, and many artist’s practices. The relationship between poetry and my work has become deeply intertwined. I combine poetry with my work as a way to document my feelings and to inspire the titles for my paintings. Through a series of intimate watercolor paintings, I reference bodies, intimate interactions and the ambiguity within the two. This ambiguity asks viewers to contemplate boundaries and the act of searching for a sense of self.


English (en)

Program Director

Patricia Olynyk

Program Director's Department

Graduate School of Art

Thesis Advisor

Meghan Kirkwood

Studio/Primary Advisor

Richard Krueger

Studio/Primary Advisor

Meghan Kirkwood

Committee Member

Monika Weiss

Committee Member

Monika Weiss

Artist's Statement

A theme of intimacy presents itself in my recent work. A series of personable paintings come together, some more ambiguous while others become literal references to the body, to speak about the many facets of intimacy including closeness, attachment, and sexuality. Subtle changes of color palette and poetic titles bring the nuances of these facets together to show how intertwined they are with intimacy. Created quickly and intuitively, making this body of work allowed me to contemplate the many questions I had about intimacy within my own personal relationships and reflecting on my sense of self. Although the work is personal, my hope was to open a new discussion about intimate interactions among viewers that seems to have never been had before.
