Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2018

Author's School

Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts

Author Department/Program

Graduate School of Art

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Visual Art

Degree Type



My work performs as a navigation around and through the margins of the physical and the immanent. Using the American West as a backdrop, I ground the position of my works in the histories and mythologies of new frontiers. I am sensitive to immanence, and find myself drawn to objects that appear to exist in the margins. To trust these objects is to choose a position, to give meaning to these imminent objects is my inclination. To express what I am trying to understand, of these moments of interactions with the marginal, requires the development of a language. These moments become points of orientation, and the work that develops become a map. This map is formed by objects that I produce and put out to the world, without requiring a specific place or time to exist, but to go to where they belong, which is left to be known. I consider the possibility that these works fall into the margins of time, between conscious moments, and flow through a stream of timelessness. I consider the following text to be an extension of my studio practice in how I have, and continue to develop symbolic meaning.


English (en)

Program Director

Patricia Olynyk

Program Director's Department

Graduate School of Art

Thesis Advisor

Buzz Spector

Studio/Primary Advisor

Zlatko Cosic

Committee Member

Jessica Baran

Committee Member

Jessica Baran

Artist's Statement

Permanent URL:

Available for download on Monday, September 25, 2045
