Date of Award

Summer 8-21-2017

Author's School

Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts

Author Department/Program

Graduate School of Architecture

Degree Name

MS in Architectural Studies

Degree Type



This thesis is a study of the history and impetus for the low-rent high-rise public housing projects constructed prior to 1965 in St. Louis. Except for the largest and most well-known Pruitt-Igoe project which already had been the subject of a lot of study, other major public housing towers were John J. Cochran Garden Apartment (MO 1-3), completed in 1952-1953; George L. Vaughn Apartments (MO-1-6), Joseph M. Darst Apartments (MO-1-7), and Anthony M. Webbe Apartments (MO-1-7a). These later projects opened between 1957-1960. By situating these projects within the urban renewal movement and the context of public housing provision in the nation, this thesis intends to establish the threads of social environment and various ideas and practices that shaped their form.


English (en)

Chair and Committee

Eric Mumford (Chair) Robert McCarter Michael Allen
