Date of Award

Spring 5-8-2024

Author's School

Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts

Author Department/Program

Graduate School of Architecture

Degree Name

MS in Architectural Studies

Degree Type



This thesis focuses on exploring housing as a determinant of health; thus, the aim is to investigate the historical and current influence of housing design and city planning on occupant health and population health in metropolitan cities. The thesis will primarily examine how housing affects the health of low-income individuals. Historically and presently, this demographic has been disproportionately affected by health issues stemming from overcrowding, substandard housing design, declining neighborhood conditions, and environmental inequities. The goal is to discern the dimensions and standards for healthy housing against which designers and planners can define health outcomes. By acknowledging the factors that influence healthy housing, designers can establish inclusive conditions early in the project planning phase that support individuals in living and maintaining healthy lifestyles


English (en)

Chair and Committee

Chair: Eric Mumford Committee: Patty Heyda and Matthew Bernstine
