
In this study, the author first reviewed the background and the mechanism of a highly efficient cooling method—i.e., the thin film evaporative cooling, in which the heat removal performance is highly dependent on the wetting characteristics of the working fluid. Then, the author studied the wetting behavior of water on different solid substrate both numerically and experimentally. By minimizing the free energy, Surface Evolver was used to explore the profile of the static liquid meniscus and the corresponding contact angle of water droplets on plain solid substrate and pillar substrate with sharp edge. Besides, goniometer experiments were performed to study the contact angle of a sessile water droplet on silicon, copper and aluminum substrates with graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) nanocoatings of different thicknesses. In addition, the author prepared a detailed list of components to be ordered for performing Micro-PIV experiments. An extensive literature study have been done to support the feasibility of the author’s work.

Document Type

Final Report

Author's School

McKelvey School of Engineering

Author's Department

Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Class Name

Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences Independent Study

Date of Submission

