
The purpose of this project was to design a field-ready radiello-covering device (RCD) that could cover and uncover a radiello passive sampler. The covering and uncovering periods are determined by the direction that the wind is blowing at any given time. This device was intended to help Dr. Turner and Yan He from WashU’s Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering to monitor ammonia and hydrogen sulfide air pollutants around concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). This was a continuation of efforts begun in MEMS 312 Multidisciplinary Prototyping & Design in Fall 2023. The design of a radiello- covering device that meets Dr. Turner and Yan He’s needs was completed and is ready for further testing in the field.

Document Type

Final Report

Author's School

McKelvey School of Engineering

Author's Department

Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Class Name

Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences Independent Study

Date of Submission


servoArm.stl (63 kB)
3D Print - Servo Arm (Part a)

pvcCover.stl (156 kB)
3D Print - PVC Cover (Part b)

radielloHolder.stl (247 kB)
3D Print - Radiello Holder (Part c)

topPlate.dxf (12 kB)
Laser Cut - Top Plate (Part d)

sidePlate.dxf (5 kB)
Laser Cut - Side Plate (Part e)

servoSidePlate.dxf (5 kB)
Laser Cut - Servo Side Plate (Part f)

bottomPlate.dxf (12 kB)
Laser Cut - Bottom Plate (Part g)

bracketPlate.dxf (3 kB)
Laser Cut - Bracket Plate (Part h)

coverGuide.dxf (2 kB)
Laser Cut - Cover Guide (Part i)

allLaserParts.dxf (91 kB)
Laser Cut - All Parts (Parts d-i)
