
The purpose of this project is to provide insights on the Pupper Robot, from Hands-On Robotics (handsonrobotics.org), for future studies and research. The Hands-On Robotics (HOR) team aims to provide robotics kits and educational curricula to explore agile locomotion, motor control, and AI for community colleges and high schools. We worked with the HOR team in this project to help them better achieve their goals. The main objectives of this project include: 1. Build the robot and analyze the dynamical behaviors of the robot. 2. Investigate the robot control from both hardware and software perspectives. 3. Design a new gait for the Pupper Robot. 4. Create an implementation guide for future groups, documenting knowledge we have learned during the project. By the end of this project, we achieved the following: A. Built a fully functioning robot. B. Investigated the theoretical underpinnings of quadruped robots, including inverse kinematics and gait generation theories. C. Understood and reflected on the control structure of the robot. D. Implemented a new jumping gait which allows the robot to leap forward and land on balance. E. Composed detailed guides on robot building instructions, controller files installation, simulator installation, and simulator modifications.

Document Type

Final Report

Author's School

McKelvey School of Engineering

Author's Department

Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Class Name

Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences Independent Study

Date of Submission

