Publication Date

Fall 10-3-2019


This poster will discuss what is meant by “bullish*t” in libraries, as defined in a seminal talk given by Jane Schmidt in a 2018 keynote at the Canadian Association for Professional and Academic Librarians. The presenter will identify various types of BS perpetuated and created in libraries, highlighting such concepts as “innovation,” “leadership,” and “(ir)relevance.” The presenter seeks to answer the question "is BS ever beneficial to the library and it’s organizational culture?” Finally, the poster will discuss specific strategies for combating BS in one’s own library, including overcoming the "cult of busy". Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their own libraries and their own practice in order to engage with each other about the culture we create in libraries, and the positives and negatives we encounter. Although this poster has an academic library perspective, BS is a common situation in many organizational cultures, thus it may appeal to those who work in other types of libraries.



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Library and Information Science


bullshit in academic libraries, academic libraries, organizations, organizational culture, toxic work environment


Missouri Library Association Conference, October 2-4, 2019,


MLA Poster 2019

Take the Bull by the Horns: Combatting Bullshit in Academic Libraries
