The Prospect of Bailing-in Texas: Strategic Considerations (5)
Document Type
Blog Posting
English (en)
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Publication Title
Election Law Blog
As my previous posts have made clear, Texas is eligible for bail-in for its unconstitutional conduct during the 2011 redistricting cycle. But there are strategic risks in seeking this high-profile bail-in rather than using a smaller, county-level jurisdiction as a test case at the Court. The fact that Texas has already won in the Supreme Court twice in this litigation is not ideal. Moreover, a case that lacked the “second enactment” wrinkle—here, the 2013 plans—would be a better vehicle, as the Court could not point to that action as a reason for denying bail-in.
Election Law, Voting Rights, Redistricting, Gerrymandering, Supreme Court, Civil Rights, Electoral Law, Political Representation, Voter Suppression
Publication Citation
Travis Crum, The Prospect of Bailing-in Texas: Strategic Considerations (5), Election Law Blog (Sep. 17, 2018), https://electionlawblog.org/?p=101144
Repository Citation
Crum, Travis, "The Prospect of Bailing-in Texas: Strategic Considerations (5)" (2018). Scholarship@WashULaw. 731.