
International Law: Cases and Commentary, 6th Edition

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International Law: Cases and Commentary


Janis, Noyes, and Sadat on International Law presents this complex subject in an authoritative and well-written casebook. The book introduces the history and nature of international law and its sources—treaties, custom, general principles, jus cogens, and equity. It explains how international law is applied in U.S. courts and in international arbitration and adjudication. The book addresses many of the key settings in which international law plays a critical role: international human rights, the recognition and succession of states and governments, international and non-governmental organizations, war and peace, the law of the sea, and inter-state judicial relations. The book's materials, largely domestic and international judicial decisions, are both sophisticated and teachable, the perfect introductory casebook for any U.S. law school.


International Law, International Law Cases

Publication Citation

Mark Weston Janis, John E. Noyes & Leila Nadya Sadat, International Law: Cases and Commentary (6th ed. 2020)


ISBN: 9781642425864
