Rethinking Market Regulation: Helping Labor by Overcoming Economic Myths
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Publication Title
Rethinking Market Regulation: Helping Labor by Overcoming Economic Myths
This book presents a distinct perspective by challenging two key economic principles: that markets are competitive and the claim that corporations exist for the benefit of their shareholders, but not for other stakeholders. It also engages critically with government decisions to base intervention on economic principles, highlighting the resulting social and financial implications. Finally, it provides a comparison between the legal and social treatment of labor in the US and the EU, arguing for the adoption of measures taken in Europe.
Labor, Market Regulation, Competitive Markets, Economic Intervention, Shareholders, Corporations
Publication Citation
John N. Drobak, Rethinking Market Regulation: Helping Labor by Overcoming Economic Myth (2021)
Repository Citation
Drobak, John N., "Rethinking Market Regulation: Helping Labor by Overcoming Economic Myths" (2021). Scholarship@WashULaw. 143.
ISBN: 9780197578957
Also Available As: Ebook
Also Available In: Oxford Scholarship Online