Volume 82, Issue 2 (2004)
The One-Way Mirror: Law, Privacy, and the Media
Lawrence M. Friedman
The Role of Access in Charitable Tax Exemption
John D. Colombo
The Philosophy of Certiorari: Jurisprudential Considerations in Supreme Court Case Selection
Margaret Meriwether Cordray and Richard Cordray
Taking Pop-Ups Seriously: The Jurisprudence of the Infield Fly Rule
Neil B. Cohen and Spencer Weber Waller
Advocacy and Rhetoric vs. Scholarship and Evidence in the Debate over Contingency Fees: A Reply to Professor Brickman
Herbert M. Kritzer
Gambling with Democracy: The Help America Vote Act and the Failure of the States to Administer Federal Elections
R. Bradley Griffin
Cold Comfort and a Paper Tiger: The (Un)availability of Tort Compensation for Victims of International Terrorism
Jennifer Elise Plaster
H.R. 2391: Protecting Universities in Collaborative Research
Anna Martina Tyreus