Volume 63 (2020) New Directions in Domestic and International Dispute Resolution
Strengthening Online Dispute Resolution Justice
Noam Ebner and Elayne E. Greenberg
Like a Prayer? Applying Conflicts with Religious Dimensions Theory to the "Muezzin Law" Conflict
Yael Efron, Michelle LeBaron, Maged Senbel, and Mohammed S. Wattad
Formalizing the Informal: Development and its Impacts on Traditional Dispute Resolution in Bhutan
Stephan Sonnenberg
Addressing the Eviction Crisis and Housing Instability Through Mediation
Karen Tokarz, Samuel Hoff Stragand, Michael Geigerman, and Wolf Smith
Torture Is Not Protected Speech: Free Speech Analysis of Bans on Gay Conversion Therapy
Mason D. Bracken
That's the One!: An Analysis of Eyewitness Identifications in Missouri and Their Impact on Cross-Racial Identification
Deionna Ferguson