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Date of Award

Spring 4-18-2018

Author's School

School of Law

Degree Name

Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD)

Degree Type



The focus of this dissertation is to acquaint individuals working in legal fields, students, judges, or professors with principles and rules concerning contracts in Saudi Arabia by creating a restatement of contract law in Saudi Arabia. The dissertation is a comparative study which examines both Saudi contract law dominated by Islamic rules and norms and American contract law by analyzing the Restatement (Second) of Contracts to establsih analogous Restatement of Contracts in Saudi Arabia. The dissertation is intended to be a persuasive authority in the legal system of Saudi Arabia. Thence, the author shall submit this document to the judiciary branch, through the Ministry of Justice to be recognize as secondary resource. Furthermore, the dissertation addresses extensive scope of contract’s doctrines and rules starting from a creation of a contract through the death of contract, so summation is indispensable. This comparative study enables the author to uncover the similarities and differences between both laws. Thereof, the document of the Restatement of Contracts in Saudi Arabia simplifies and clarifies the ramifications of contract law in Saudi Arabia.

Chair and Committee

Gerrit De Geest, Supervisor Professor; Scott Baker, Examining Professor; Peter K. Cramer, Examining Professor.

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