Washington University Open Scholarship - IWOTA 2016: Free polynomial Biholomorphisms between free spectrahedra


Crow 206

Start Date

7-18-2016 6:30 PM

End Date

18-7-2016 6:50 PM


Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) Domains are bounded free convex semialgebraic sets. Along with their commutative counterparts, they appear in a host of fields including convex optimization, semidefinite programming, convex real algebraic geometry and systems theory. We consider free polynomial mappings between LMI Domains, polynomial equivalence versus affine linear equivalence, and automorphisms for certain classes of domains. We produce a class of pairs of LMI domains that are polynomially, but not affine linearly, biholomorphic.


Jul 18th, 6:30 PM Jul 18th, 6:50 PM

Free polynomial Biholomorphisms between free spectrahedra

Crow 206

Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) Domains are bounded free convex semialgebraic sets. Along with their commutative counterparts, they appear in a host of fields including convex optimization, semidefinite programming, convex real algebraic geometry and systems theory. We consider free polynomial mappings between LMI Domains, polynomial equivalence versus affine linear equivalence, and automorphisms for certain classes of domains. We produce a class of pairs of LMI domains that are polynomially, but not affine linearly, biholomorphic.