Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Role of Submicrometer Particles in Advanced Technologies of Carbon Capture, Zhichao Li
Role of Submicrometer Particles in Advanced Technologies of Carbon Capture, Zhichao Li
Democratic Portraiture: Imagining Equal Selves in Melville, Whitman, and Douglass, Paulo Miller Loonin
Islamic Legal Positivism : Reforming Islamic Jurisprudence Using the Equity, Cyrus Daniel Loreson
Development of Novel Tumor-Targeted Compounds for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, Micah John Luderer
Multi-dimensional extension of the alternating minimization algorithm in x-ray computed tomography, Jingwei Lu
Multi-dimensional extension of the alternating minimization algorithm in x-ray computed tomography, Jingwei Lu
The Role of Natural Killer Cells in Atopic Dermatitis, Madison R. Mack
Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of Axon Regeneration, Marcus Mahar
Promoting Child Behavioral Health in Homeless Services: A Community-Based System Dynamics Approach, Katherine Marcal
The Hyper-Disciplining of Black Students: Psychological and Sociological Investigations into American Schools, Olivia Cordts Marcucci
Stranger in the Village, Ryan Marr
Elucidating Enhancer Function in Epidermal Development and Filaggrin Loss-of-Function Variants in African American Atopic Dermatitis, Mary Elizabeth Mathyer
Deciphering the Origins of Cell-Type Differentiation Using the Simple Multicellular Green Alga Volvox carteri, Gavriel Yonah Matt
Multi-Level Neural Dynamics under Visual Perturbations and Motor Learning, Zhengyu Ma
Expanding the Palette: Synthesizing Microencapsulated Organic Phase Change Materials in Metallic Matrices for Transient Thermal Applications, Melissa Kate McCann
Clash of the Titans, Kevin McCoy
The Birthday Boy and Other Boys, Charles McCrory
Visual and Chemosensory Pathways Associated With Male Courtship Decisions in Drosophila melanogaster, Ross Mckinney
Visual and Chemosensory Pathways Associated With Male Courtship Decisions in Drosophila melanogaster, Ross Mckinney
Task-evoked Pupillary Response for Completely Intelligible Accented Speech, Drew McLaughlin
Devising a Scalable Synthesis to Probe the G-Protein Cell Receptor Signaling Pathway, Matthew Robert Medcalf
Adiabatic Dark Matter Density Cusps Around Supermassive Black Holes and Dark Matter Detection, Augusto Medeiros Da Rosa
Understanding Homework Reviews Through Sentiment Classification, Zachary Mekus
A Contextual and Technological Study of Ancient Maya Greenstone Mosaic Masks, Juan Carlos Melendez
Medical Aid in Dying: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs of Licensed Psychologists, Christine Caroline Merz
Exploring Methodologies to Improve Lignin Utilization in Biorefineries, James Meyer
Genomic Contributors to Individual Differences in Reward-Related Neural Activity, Lindsay Jane Michalski
Substrate reduction therapy for Krabbe disease and a new murine model for cell-autonomous expression of lysosomal hydrolases, Christina Ruth Mikulka
Spatio-temporal Principles of Infra-slow Brain Activity, Anish Mitra
Seeking Asylum: Communities of Madwomen in Post-1945 American Novels, Rose Miyatsu
Perceptual Precedence or Increased Effort?: On the mechanism of the small-picture-size advantage in category learning, Toshiya Miyatsu
Computational Approaches for Multispecies and Metaproteomic Analyses, Arshag Mooradian
Associations Between Prenatal Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Exposure, Depression and Brain Morphology in Middle Childhood, Allison Moreau
Ultrasound-guided Optical Techniques for Cancer Diagnosis: System and Algorithm Development, Atahar Kamal Mostafa
Modeling Mechanisms Behind Force Generation By Actin Polymerization, Seyed Fowad Motahari
The Network of Representation, Taishi Muraoka
The Ontogeny of Complex Tool Use among Chimpanzees of the Goualougo Triangle, Republic of Congo, Stephanie L. Musgrave
Exploring Quantum Dynamics and Thermodynamics in Superconducting Qubits, Mahdi Naghiloo
Methods of Teaching Latin: Theory, Practice, Application, Morgan A. Nicoulin
Sharp Is the Memory, Gwen Niekamp
Typical and atypical development of the brain’s functional network architecture, Ashley Nicole Nielsen
Mechanism of Activation of UvrD Helicase by a Processivity Factor MutL, Yerdos Ordabayev
Mechanism of Activation of UvrD Helicase by a Processivity Factor MutL, Yerdos Ordabayev
The role of epigenetic mutations in the clonal evolution of hematopoietic stem cells, Elizabeth Leigh Ostrander
The Role of Multi-Charged Responses: Construction and Application of a Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (TDMA), Christopher Ray Oxford
Hold Fast: A Self-Other Story, Lydia Paar
Its Skin is My Skin, Bryan Page
Systematic Investigation of Alternative Splicing and Conserved Spliceosome Factors in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Manishi Pandey