Date of Award

Winter 12-21-2023

Author's School

McKelvey School of Engineering

Author's Department

Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Type



The increasing demand for high-performance electric vehicles drives the need for fast-charging, high-capacity, and long-lasting energy storage devices. This thesis work consists of two sections.

In the first study, we focused on investigating the effect of silicon amount in silicon graphite anode on the capacity and cycle life. We found that the capacity of the anode does not increase if silicon content exceeds 40% of the mass of active material. In the second study, we focused on the effect of electrolytes on the fast-charging capability of graphite anode. We found that 1,3-dioxolane enables graphite anode to dedicate capacity up to 284 mAh/g at 10 C. The phase transition mechanisms of graphite in this electrolyte are the same as graphite anode at 0.1 C.


English (en)


Professor Peng Bai

Committee Members

Professor Vijay Ramani Professor Elijah Thimsen

Available for download on Wednesday, December 03, 2025
