Date of Award

Summer 9-12-2023

Author's School

McKelvey School of Engineering

Author's Department

Electrical & Systems Engineering

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Type



Uterine contractions during pregnancy drive birth, and peristalsis during menstrual cycles not only expel menstrual blood, but also play significant roles in both sperm transport and gynecological disorders. The present work encompasses an in-depth exploration into the electrophysiology, biomechanics, and fluid dynamics of these activities. We introduce an advanced multiscale dynamic electrophysiology model that delves into cellular-level details, using both electromyography (EMG) and cell force generation methods. An innovative ionic channel model integrates individual ionic channel knowledge and clinical data from the human myometrium. This model accurately represents action potentials and their interactions with oxytocin, while an associated mechanical force model illustrates the intricacies of cellular force and its transition to tissue levels. Simultaneously, to bridge a noted gap in research, the multi-scale, multi-physics "Alya Purple" computational framework was developed to simulate 3D human uterine peristalsis and contractions during both the menstrual cycles and pregnancy. This system relies on patient-specific data, merging clinical findings from both the electromyometrial imaging system (EMMI) and the uterine peristalsis imaging system (UPI). The flexibility of Alya Purple permits a multifaceted simulation, embracing electrical propagation, mechanical deformation, and fluid dynamics, and yielding invaluable insights into human uterine mechanisms. Collectively, these advances not only illustrate the complex electrophysiological, biomechanical, and fluid dynamics of the uterus contractions and peristalsis but also hold promise for novel research directions, potentially offering strategies for managing gynecological disorders and preventing complications such as endometriosis and preterm births.


English (en)


Yong Wang

Available for download on Sunday, September 08, 2024
