Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2023

Author's School

McKelvey School of Engineering

Author's Department

Biomedical Engineering

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Type



Implementing closed-loop neuromodulation therapies is a challenging and expensive endeavor. It requires developing software capable of acquiring signals from a bio-signal amplifier, analysis of these signals, and initiation of precisely timed stimulation, all of which need to be accomplished in real-time with very low latency. Developing this software is difficult, as it requires a wide range of expertise ranging from interfacing with hardware to real-time signal processing. Even when successfully implementing such a system for one set of hardware, it often then only works within the laboratory that conceived it. This is because of the inherent heterogeneity in the devices that realize interactions with the nervous system, and the lack of standardized interfaces to access and control them. Collaboration thus often necessitates acquiring the same hardware (i.e., amplifier and stimulator) across all sites, which can sometimes be cost-prohibitive. Implementing software that uses these amplifiers and stimulators within a real-time acquisition and feedback software platform, such as BCI2000, would eradicate these obstacles. Multiple stimulators, amplifiers, and software devices have been implemented to provide a maximum amount of real-time feedback and to make the configuration effortless. With these improvements, closed-loop neuromodulation experiments have begun, and are only the beginning of what is possible.


English (en)


Dr. Peter Brunner

Committee Members

Dr. Dan Moran, Dr. Enrico Opri
