Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2020

Author's School

McKelvey School of Engineering

Author's Department

Computer Science & Engineering

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Type



We build off of previous ideas used to study both reductions between CSPrefutation problems and improper learning and between CSP-refutation problems themselves to expand some hardness results that depend on the assumption that refuting random CSP instances are hard for certain choices of predicates (like k-SAT). First, we are able argue the hardness of the fundamental problem of learning conjunctions in a one-sided PAC-esque learning model that has appeared in several forms over the years. In this model we focus on producing a hypothesis that foremost guarantees a small false-positive rate while minimizing the false-negative rate for such hypotheses. Further, we formalize a notion of CSP-refutation reductions and CSP-refutation completeness that and use these, along with candidate CSP-refutatation complete predicates, to provide further evidence for the hardness of several problems.


English (en)


Brendan Juba

Committee Members

Brendan Juba Jeremy Buhler William Yeoh


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