Date of Award
Spring 5-2020
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Degree Type
Psychometric functions model the relationship between a physical phenomenon, an independent variable, and a subject’s performance on a cognitive task. The estimation of these psychometric functions is critical for the understanding of perception and cognition as well as for the diagnosis and treatment of many sensory conditions. The ability to estimate psychometric functions of any complexity is necessary to this end. In the following thesis, a generalized likelihood function for psychometric function estimation with Gaussian processes is described and validated. Such a likelihood function is necessary to enable the usage of Gaussian processes for the estimation of non-zero guess and lapse rate psychometric functions. It is also applicable, in general, to any problem where the probability of one or more classes has theoretical non-whole upper or lower asymptotes.
English (en)
Dennis Barbour
Committee Members
Netanel Raviv, Brian Garnett
Permanent URL: https://doi.org/10.7936/tabn-yr37