Date of Award
Summer 8-15-2015
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Degree Type
Safely and capacity fade are the key issues that restrict the use of the lithium-ion battery for many applications. These issues are being tackled in a variety of ways. This dissertation focuses on using detailed continuum-level electrochemical models to study transport, kinetics, and mechanical processes in the lithium-ion batteries. These models can be used to quantify the effect of capacity fade mechanisms (side reactions and mechanical degradation) and improve the safety aspects of the lithium ion batteries. Three capacity-fade mechanisms—solid electrolyte interface side reaction, lithium-plating side reaction and mechanical degradation due to intercalation-induced stresses—are considered in the dissertation. Monitoring and control of plating side reaction is also very critical for battery safety.
Two main focus areas of the dissertation are:
1) Optimal battery operation (design of charging/discharging protocols) considering three capacity fade mechanisms mentioned previously along with safety issues
2) Rational battery design (choice of porosity, thicknesses of electrodes, etc.) considering discharge capacity and capacity fade mechanisms
English (en)
VenkatR Subramanian
Committee Members
Richard Braatz, Milorad Duduković, Hiro Mukai, Palghat Ramachandran, Shriram Santhanagopalan