Date of Award

Winter 9-2024

Author's School

McKelvey School of Engineering

Author's Department

Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Type



This study explores the enhancement of ammonium and bicarbonate tolerance in Chlorella sorokiniana via EMS-induced mutagenesis, aimed at improving the microalgae's resilience and growth under high-stress conditions of elevated NH4+ and HCO3 concentrations. By mutating C. sorokiniana using EMS, we developed mutant strains capable of thriving in conditions that are inhibitory to the wild type strain. The successful adaptation of these strains demonstrates a significant increase in biomass production and tolerance to environmental stressors, highlighting the potential of EMS mutagenesis in industrial algal applications for sustainable biofuel production and environmental remediation.


English (en)


Fuzhong Zhang

Committee Members

Yinjie Tang, Zhen He
