Document Type
Technical Report
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Technical Report Number
The new ISO/ITU-T standard for still image coding, JPEG2000, has been shown to provide superior coding efficiency to the previous standard, JPEG. Because of the superb performance of JPEG2000, it is reasonable to argue that Motion-JPEG2000, the corresponding moving picture coding standard of JPEG2000, has equally outstanding performance. However, there has not been a sufficient performance evaluation of Motion-JPEG2000. To this end, we have studied the potential of Motion-JPEG2000 for video processing. Our experiments show that Motion-JPEG2000 provides high compression performance, strong error resilience, and good perceptual image quality. Together with a rich set of features inherited from JPEG2000, Motion-JPEG2000 has advantages as a coding standard for video processing in many applications.
Recommended Citation
Yu, Wei; Qiu, Ruibiao; and Fritts, Jason, "Evaluation of Motion-JPEG2000 for Video Processing" Report Number: WUCS-01-34 (2001). All Computer Science and Engineering Research.
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