Document Type
Technical Report
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Technical Report Number
The ongoing exponential increase of line speed in the Internet and combined with the uncountable requests for increased functionality of network devices presents a major challenge. These demands call for the use of reprogrammable hardware to provide the required flexible high-speed functionaltiy. The Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) provides such an environment for development of networking components in reprogrammable hardware. We present the high-speed IP routing components in reprogrammable hardware. We present the high-speed IP routing module "OBIWAN" (Optimal Binary search IP lookup for Wide Area Networks) built on top of an IP processing framework.
Recommended Citation
Braun, Florian; Waldvogel, Marcel; and Lockwood, John, "OBIWAN - An Internet Protocol Router in Reconfigurable Hardware" Report Number: WUCS-01-11 (2001). All Computer Science and Engineering Research.
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