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A linkage fee is a policy instrument for capturing resources to fund affordable housing development and other public services. This brief describes the instrument and offers recommendations on implementing linkage-fee policies.

The contents of this brief evolved from a presentation given in the Colloquium on Inclusive Housing Policy for the St. Louis Region. Held in the Brown School at Washington University on December 15, 2022, the event was organized by the Center for Social Development in partnership with Women’s Voices Raised for Social Justice and the Alliance for Interracial Dignity. The contents may also be found in Welcome Home: A Policy Briefing Book for Housing Opportunity in St. Louis County, edited by Molly Metzger.

Document Type

Policy Brief


Thriving Communities


Inclusive Housing

Original Citation

Murphy, L., Cooper, S., & Beckham, R. (2023, February). Linkage fees: A vehicle for financing affordable housing (CSD Policy Brief No. 23-11). Washington University, Center for Social Development.


affordable housing ; Alliance for Interracial Dignity ; Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis ; Center for Social Development ; Colloquium on Inclusive Housing Policy for the St. Louis Region ; community engagement ; developers ; Grounded Solutions Network ; homeownership ; housing cost ; housing development ; impact fee ; linkage fee ; nexus study ; real estate development ; residential development ; segregation ; St. Louis ; St. Louis County ; Women’s Voices Raised for Social Justice ;
