Publication Date



Financial Capability and Asset Building in Africa (FCAB Africa) is a multinational collaboration designed (a) to equip human-service professionals to broaden the financial stability, security, and well-being of client populations in sub-Saharan Africa; and (b) to work with financial-service providers to create a comprehensive financial-development program delivered through existing services, including fintech. This Fact Sheet describes the goals of the FCAB Africa initiative and strategy for achieving them.

Document Type

Fact Sheet


Financial Inclusion


Financial Capability

Original Citation

Center for Social Development. (2021, July). FCAB Africa: Summary of achievements as of July 2021 (CSD Fact Sheet No. 21-13). Washington University, Center for Social Development.


Financial capability and asset building; FCAB; Africa; Ghana; Kenya; Uganda; Liberia; Agenda 2063; Sustainable Development Goals; human-service professional; social worker; fintech; sub-Saharan Africa; mobile money; credit; debt; financial services; training; financial literacy; financial education; financial exclusion; illiteracy; financial well-being; Making Finance Work For Africa; MFW4A; University of Ghana; Uganda Christian University; the Chartered; Institute of Bankers; Ghana; the Uganda Institute of Banking and Financial Services; Institute of Statistical; Social; and Economic Research; ISSER
