Robert McFarland Ph.D. and Lauren Todd MS
John M. Olin Library
Washington University
St. Louis, MO
The following are handouts from Professor Ronald Lovett's Chem 521 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Department of Chemistry at Washington University in St. Louis, MO. A first-year graduate level course in quantum mechanics.
Regarding these handouts, readers should note the following:
- Topics are arranged alphabetically. They are not arranged in any systematic order by topic.
- Handouts were used to augment and clarify class discussions addressing a specific topic relative to quantum mechanics. The intent was for students to read the handouts not as a continuous whole but rather as the enlightenment of a specific topic relative to QM.
- Professor Lovett often tailored handouts to specific QM classes depending upon overall class strengths and/or weaknesses. Hence, some handouts with the same title are significantly different. In some cases, the reader will see multiple versions of the same handout designated by a different creation date. This means there were significant changes from previously dated handouts on the same topic
- A few of the handouts veer away from quantum mechanics. These were often written for faculty colleagues who came to Professor Lovett with a specific question related to Statistical Mechanics or Quantum Mechanics
Professor Ronald R .Lovett
Department of Chemistry
Washington University
Campus Box 1134
St. Louis, MO 63130
BA Rice University
Ph.D. University of Rochester
Post Doctoral Fellow - Bell Telephone Labs - Murray Hill NJ
Submissions from 2017
Time Evolution, Ronald Lovett
Submissions from 2016
First Order Time Evolution, Ronald Lovett
Optical Interfference I, Ronald Lovett
Optical Interfference II, Ronald Lovett
Submissions from 2015
Angular Momentum, Ronald Lovett
Mossbauer Effect, Ronald Lovett
Operators in Quantum Machanics, Ronald Lovett
Vector Space Language, Ronald Lovett
Submissions from 2014
Chemiluminescence, Ronald Lovett
Dispersion of EM Waves, Ronald Lovett
Fourier Transform, Ronald Lovett
Henon-Heiles Model, Ronald Lovett
Relativistic Wave Equations: Dirac, Ronald Lovett
Separable Problems, Ronald Lovett
Spectroscopy Duplication I, Ronald Lovett
Submissions from 2013
Electric Fields, Ronald Lovett
Electron in a Gravitational Field, Ronald Lovett
Electron in a One-Dimensional Well, Ronald Lovett
Fermi's Golden Rule, Ronald Lovett
Maxwell's Equations, Ronald Lovett
Molecular Orbitals: an Introduction, Ronald Lovett
Moment Generating Function, Ronald Lovett
Motion of a wave packet, Ronald Lovett
Operators in Quantum Machanics, Ronald Lovett
Radiometer Science, Ronald Lovett
Scattering States, Ronald Lovett
Tranformation Theory, Ronald Lovett
Variational Principle Variational Calculations of Energy Eigenstates, Ronald Lovett
Submissions from 2011
Intrinsic Spin of an Electron, Ronald Lovett
Tranformation Theory, Ronald Lovett
Vector Space Language, Ronald Lovett
Submissions from 2010
Spin Obit Interaction, Ronald Lovett
Submissions from 2007
Density Matrix, Ronald Lovett
Submissions from 2003
Density Matrix view of the Double Well Problem, Ronald Lovett
Newtonian Cosmology, Ronald Lovett
Submissions from 2001
Hyperfine Interaction in the Hydrogen Atom, Ronald Lovett
Time Evolving States, Ronald Lovett
Submissions from 1997
Dipole Spectroscopy, Ronald Lovett