Author's School

Brown School

Author's Department

Social Work

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date



As a way to reduce chronic diseases associated with increasingly sedentary lifestyles, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advocates community-wide initiatives promoting physical activity. One such initiative gaining popularity in the US is the Ciclovía, or Open Streets initiative, where city streets are opened to residents for physical activity and closed to motorized traffic.1 Open Streets gained international prominence in Bogota, Colombia, and are viewed by policy makers and health and community advocates as being beneficial to social, environmental, and community health.2 The interest in initiatives is demonstrated by the increase in the number of events within and across the US in recent years; between 2008 and 2013, over 90 US cities hosted at least one event.3 The cities hosting events range in size from small suburban towns to large metropolitan areas and also range in socioeconomic demographics and diversity.4 Open Streets offer a potentially effective public health intervention in a variety of contexts.


Author's version of American Journal of Health Promotion © 2014 American Journal of Health Promotion, Inc.

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