Author's School

Brown School

Author's Department

Social Work


English (en)

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Chair and Committee

Brett Drake


Using the three-paper dissertation model, this dissertation aimed to improve the understanding of the implementation of mandated reporting policies in three distinct but related areas. The first paper presents a conceptual model that captures the child maltreatment reporting decision-making process for individuals, mainly professionals, who are mandated to report. The second paper explored the child maltreatment reporting experiences, attitudes, and beliefs of professionals and nonprofessionals in a state with a universal mandated reporting policy to generate new insight regarding reporting practices and experiences in states with universal mandated reporting policies. Finally, the third paper evaluated the impact of different state child welfare system and policy components on child welfare system outcomes to provide insight to jurisdictions on how their system structure and policies might impact child welfare system outcomes in their state.

Included in

Social Work Commons
