The GH3 Family of Acyl Acid-Amido Synthetases: Structural and Biochemical Studies of Hormone-Amino Acid Conjugation

Date of Award

Winter 12-15-2013

Author's School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Author's Department

Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Biochemistry)

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Type



Plants respond to a multitude of signals and adapt to maximize

survivability and reproduction. To accomplish this, plants use a variety of small

molecules called plant hormones, or phytohormones. These molecules,

synthesized from primary metabolites, lead to large-scale changes in the plant

throughout development. As small changes in hormone concentration has major

impacts, their synthesis, inactivation, and degradation are tightly controlled. One

such control mechanism is the attachment of amino acids to acidic hormones via

the formation of an amide bond. The GH3 family of enzymes is responsible for

formation of these conjugates, but little is known about their function. My thesis

work examines the GH3 enzymes from Arabidopsis thaliana, focusing on three

family members, AtGH3.5, AtGH3.11, and AtGH3.12. Additionally, my work aims

to understand the role of the aromatic amino acid precursor chorismate in both

AtGH3.12 and chorismate mutase function.


English (en)

Chair and Committee

Joseph M Jez

Committee Members

Robert E Blankenship, Barbara N Kunkel, Thomas J Smith, Lucia C Strader, Hani S Zaher


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