The Ups and Downs of Personality

Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2013

Author's School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Author's Department


Degree Name

Master of Arts (AM/MA)

Degree Type



The purpose of the present study was to test self- and other-knowledge of daily fluctuations in personality. Accomplishing this goal required a multi-method approach. First, we had participants come into the lab and complete global measures of personality traits and complete DD measures to assess perceived variability. Second, we had 6 participants nominate up to eight close others, who were subsequently emailed and asked to complete global and DD measures about the target’s personality. Finally, we had targets complete experience sampling surveys (ESM) six times a day for six days to use as a criterion measure for participants’ actual variability. Further, by comparing perceived variability (calculated from the self- and informant-responses to the DD measures) to actual variability (calculated from the ESM responses), we can assess the level of self- and other-knowledge of personality variability.


English (en)


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