
Kyusik Q. Kim


Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2023

Author's School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Author's Department

Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology)

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Type



The discovery that collisions between ribosomes are the key signaling event that triggers quality control and stress response pathways in eukaryotes has changed our understanding of how cells sense and respond to the environment. Collided eukaryotic ribosomes adopt a unique structure, providing a mechanistic basis for how environmental signals can be sensed by the translational machinery and propagated into wider reprogramming of gene expression. Indeed, the use of ribosomes as a signaling hub is quite apt, as ribosomes make intimate contact with both mRNA and tRNAs. This enables them to monitor the integrity of genetic information coming from the nucleus while simultaneously checking the availability of cellular resources, acting as a sentinel of the central dogma of biology. Here, we discuss the ribosome in the context of the broader translational cycle and how signals arise from disruptions to ribosome function. We also discuss the effects of modifications to the mRNA on the ribosome and the role of the ribosome in the response.


English (en)

Chair and Committee

Hani S. Zaher

Committee Members

Sergej Djuranovic, Michael B. Major, Heather L. True, Zhongsheng You,
