Date of Award

Winter 12-15-2022

Author's School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Author's Department

Comparative Literature

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Type



My dissertation is rooted in this understanding and is driven by the following questions: Why read novels today? What can literature do after it loses its social function? What are the politics of literature? The broad aim of the project is to build an infrastructure of the contemporary Colombian novel through its form(s), while laying its foundations through the relations between literary form, literary field, and the politics of literature in the given historical-geographical material conditions of Colombia. My dissertation models an approach to explore Latin American national literatures in the aftermath of the Latin American Boom and into the cultural context of neoliberalism. I construct an infrastructure for Colombian literature weaving together recent approaches to the theory of the novel, new formalisms, and sociology of literature. This allows me to simultaneously confront both a milieu where world literature theory has disregarded the particularities of the national literary field and the hermeneutic and historicist limits of traditional Colombian studies.


Spanish (es)

Chair and Committee

Ignacio M Sanchez Prado

Committee Members

Andrew Brown

Available for download on Tuesday, August 18, 2122
