Date of Award

Spring 5-2022

Author's School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Author's Department


Degree Name

Master of Arts (AM/MA)

Degree Type



Extrinsic emotion regulation (i.e., the goal directed process of managing someone else’s emotions) can influence not only the target, but also the regulator. Through effective extrinsic emotion regulation (ER), a regulator can strengthen their relational bonds, leading to subsequent enhancement of regulator well-being at the trait and state level. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between extrinsic ER strategy use (situation modification, attentional deployment, reappraisal, suppression) and regulator well-being, and the contextual predictors of extrinsic ER in daily life. Undergraduates (N = 198) completed a trait survey assessing extrinsic ER and well-being outcomes, followed by 14 days of momentary surveys (7x/day, every 2 hours) reporting on their current emotion, extrinsic ER, and social interactions. Trait extrinsic ER was not consistently predictive of global indicators of regulator well-being, but situation modification and suppression predicted greater regulator daily negative affect (NA). Momentary use of attentional deployment predicted lower NA, while reappraisal and suppression predicted greater NA. In terms of contextual predictors, there was a positive association between the presence of close others and extrinsic ER aimed at modifying a target’s emotional experience. Situations containing more negativity were associated with greater use of all extrinsic ER strategies, whereas those requiring more cognitive demand were associated with a lower likelihood of extrinsic ER, though greater time and effort once implemented. This research could shed light on the contextual factors that regulators consider when deciding how to respond to others during emotional episodes, and implications for the regulator’s emotional well-being.


English (en)

Chair and Committee

Tammy English, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Committee Members

Renee Thompson, Patrick Hill
